We are studying from the Books of Acts to find out how and why the first century church was very successful despite all the opposition they faced. Can we use these lessons today to ahve a successful 21st century church? Join us in person or watch our livestream on Sundays at 10 am. 


Watch the first message in this series here. Other messages are listed below.


(You can watch many more messages on our YouTube channel)


Getting Ready for a Move

Jesus challenged his disciples to undergo a transition. What was it? Listen to this message with unique perspectives and gain fresh insights on the incidents in Acts, chapter one.  First in a series of messages on the Book of Acts. Follow this series with us and learn how a church can be successful.

Witnessing a Move of God

The disciples accepted without question the command of Jesus to wait in Jerusalem until they received the power from on high. On the Day of Pentecost, they were able to experience it firsthand. This message looks into what you need to do to witness a mighty move of God.

Transformed by a Move

Nobody can be a part of a move of God and be the same. The visitation of the power of God impacts a person deeply and changes things. This message looks at the changes in the lives of the people who witnessed the mighty move of God on the Day of Pentecost.

Blessings of a Praying Church

The first century church was a praying church. They had no money, no power, no connections. But they knew how to pray. And their prayers always brought the expected results. Watch this message to find out the results of it.

How Far Do You Trust God?

Your actions and decisions as a Christian is a reflection of how far you are able to trust God. The problem with Ananias and Saphira was their doubt how to take care of themselves if they gave all the money to God as others did. Very insightful message.

Growing in Ministry-I

Stephen started his ministry as a volunteer. Then he was part of the first deacon board. Once the issue at hand was solved, he continued to grow to the level of an apostle before he was martyred for stating Jesus to be the Son of God.

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